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This blog is for all those enlightened individuals who recognize that Robert Murray kicks far more ass than the average man.

Join Robert as he shares random thoughts from his wandering mind. Timely and funny. You might not agree with his views, but you will be entertained.

It is better to be insane and not know it, than to be sane and have doubts.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Rise of The Silent Majority

I know that pretty much everything I do is comedic, but as some of you may know, I am very big into politics. However, since I do comedy and not politics, I avoid giving my opinion on most things. Too bad other so-called comedians can't do the same. I am talking about the latest in rants from Rosie O'Donnell and Janeane Garafolo, which appeared on a syndicated radio show yesterday. Both of these...women, and I use the term loosely, made scathing comments about various conservatives to include Elizabeth Hasselback and Rush Limbaugh. Many of these comments were personal in nature and in poor taste, which is to be expected from these two. In response to this, I have a few comments of my own.

The fact that either one of these wenches are still considered celebrities is beyond me. I think both Rosie and Jeanane are Anti-American twats who should be set on fire and raped with a broom stick. My hatred for them has nothing to do with their attacks on Rush or Elizabeth...they are celebs and can take care of themselves. Additionally, I think Rush is a little too right wing even for me, plus he's kind of a hypocrite. So my dislike doesn't stem from something of that nature, but rather the fact that they are so narcissistic that they actually believe that the majority of the country would agree with them. These two wing nuts mock average Americans and make fun of people who are religious. Apparently, the Hollywood elite are the only enlightened individuals in America...the rest of us are ignorant. That despite the fact that most of these celebrities barely made it out of high school, and can not function in normal society. They are so far removed from reality that they refuse to accept the fact that there might be other opinions out there worthy of discussion. It is ok to be funny, and occasionally stir up debate in order to generate discussion, but the manner in which these two approach topics is ridiculous.
The ironic part is that these two hate America, but America is the only place they could get away with saying the things they do. They hate the soldiers who fight for their right to spew hate. They celebrate their right to be atheists, but ridicule the rights of others to practice their own religion. It is typical of modern day Hollywood liberals to preach freedom of speech, but not want to give those with dissenting views the same courtesy. In their opinion, you have freedom of speech...as long as you agree with them.
Do I have a solution to the Hollywood problem? Other than shooting them all, about the only thing we can do is to boycott their shows and launch campaigns against them with the networks and studios responsible with putting them on the air. Will that ever happen? It is doubtful since the average American is either too busy or too lazy to put up a fight en mass. This doesn't really bother me, because I know in my heart that when it comes down to it...despite the fact that there is not a huge outcry against these liberals...the average American is against this behavior. I call these Americans the "Silent Majority". This Silent Majority is like me, not completely left or right wing in their thinking, but somewhere in the commonsense middle. The reason you do not hear from us frequently is because we don't have time to go to protests. We are too busy working, raising our children,paying taxes, and generally keeping this country running. However, just because you do not hear from us, doesn't mean we're not out there. Recent elections prove that if we weren't paying attention before...we are now. We are watching and waiting. Politicians and celebrities beware. We might not talk a lot, but we know how to vote...and how to avoid buying your movie tickets. I have a feeling the 2010 elections will prove this. I look forward to the return of a common sense America.I think it is going to happen sooner than these liberals think.
I wish you all the best until my next rant.

1 comment:

Rick Morris said...

You erased my comments you little prick, if you didn't like them you should guck my gick! Just kidding, but really, why? Why Robby? Why me? Your assistant looser trainee... I love your little black hole of a blog... Don't close me out... Remember all those long dark nights we spent togeather in the back of the van? Don't you remember all things you told me? Have you forgotten now that you have moved on to your new lifestyle? I don't care who knows it! I don't care who knows what just you and I did together(and sometimes with Joey, but forget that). You know you can come back anytime... I am here waiting for you, my little Robby.