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This blog is for all those enlightened individuals who recognize that Robert Murray kicks far more ass than the average man.

Join Robert as he shares random thoughts from his wandering mind. Timely and funny. You might not agree with his views, but you will be entertained.

It is better to be insane and not know it, than to be sane and have doubts.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

State of the Union

I know its been awhile since anyone has heard from me. Blame a rough work schedule. This post, however, was postponed for a couple of days because I was too angry to write. I was afraid that if I were to write how I really feel about the way the citizens of this country have been abused by the politicians, I would end up on the FBI watch list, or arrested and interrogated. Since, as you know, we no longer prosecute terrorists because the government is too busy going after Americans. So here is my take on the Health Care Reform Act and all the other ills plaguing America.

Unless you have been living in a cave, you know that the Health Care Reform Act passed. I am disgusted. I never thought I would see the will of the people ignored, and the government run rough shod over its people. Why did we bother having the President take the oath of office stating that he would uphold and defend the constitution? He just wiped his ass on it, then gave high-fives and fist bumps to celebrate. I am amazed at how the liberal left managed to hijack the government. I am even more amazed at how many politicians have committed career suicide for Nancy Pelosi. I suppose these assholes think that the American people will forget by November. Not long ago, I would have agreed, but over the last year I have noticed a subtle change in the American people. People are now paying attention, and they don't like what they see. I only hope that we aren't too late to fix this mess. There are a few politicians that really stand out. In particular, the politicians retiring this year. Their final thank you to the constituents that have re-elected them time and time again was basically, " Hey...thanks for your votes. Since I'm no longer going to be running for office, I'm going to fuck you on the way out." I was under the impression that we have a Representative republic. Where is our representation? At no time in my life have I seen more citizens involved in politics. Despite citizens writing, calling, and protesting, these rats did what they wanted against the will of the people. I am sick of the politicians, and their arrogance. It is almost as if Nancy Pelosi flaunts the fact that the citizenry is helpless in their face. Both she and Obama believe that they are smarter than any other Americans, and that freedom of speech is guaranteed only if you agree with them. There are so many spineless politicians that I want to call out. There are so many things I want to say. I don't have enough time, or enough space here to say all the things I want , so I'll keep it to myself. Do I have a fix for our situation? You bet! It might be a bit extreme, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

It is time we took our country back. if you recall, some time ago I spoke of what I call "The Silent Majority", which consists of all us average, common sense folks who work hard, pay taxes, and keep the country running for all the other leeches. We have to become vocal and active. We need to vote out the old, both Republican and Democrat and bring in people who are statesmen. I know that Washington corrupts, that's why we get term limits, and send these new politicians off with a heavy dose of fear. Not just that we will not re-elect them, but that we will also kick their asses. I am not above intimidation. I think that after the health care vote, the bastards that voted for it against the will of their constituents should have come home to have found their homes burned down. Fuck these out of touch, narcissistic assholes. I don't even think we should wait for the elections, I think we should organize a march on Washington. Imagine millions (and there are millions of citizens just like me that are fed up) of us showing up at Capitol Hill and dragging this bunch of wharf-rats out of their ivory towers and giving them the pink slip. Never underestimate the power of sheer numbers, and the fear they inspire. After we straighten up the crooked politicians, we then need to make a few other adjustments.

There is nothing wrong with there being two sides to an argument, but the media is guilty of too much bias, so we will have to slap them around a bit. We also need to do away with this political correctness crap. There is way too much of the touchy-feely-warm and fuzzy shit. We are the only country I know that is afraid to offend those we are fighting a war against. Muslims are in a holy war with us. They want to kill or convert us all. The Koran tells them that is the only way, and if they are true Muslims that is what they believe. It might not be politically correct to make that statement, but its true. Don't believe me? Ask any Christian who has grown up in the Middle East around the Muslims and see what they say. Don't take Bono or Sean Penn's word for it. We need to do what Gen. George S. Patton advised, " Hold the enemy by the nose...and kick them in the ass." Our enemy doesn't respect us because we are soft, they only respect power. The only way to negotiate with those fuckers is at the tip of a sword. Its not politically-correct, but its true. If you still doubt what I'm saying, I will buy you a plane ticket to any Middle Eastern country you choose, and you can try to be a goodwill ambassador. Not only will your experience prove my point, but we will also be rid of your ass, cause you will never make it back.

Sometimes things are what they are and we have to accept it. If your kid is fat and failing in school, its not society's fault...its your fault. Taking care of and raising your child isn't the responsibility of the government or society...its yours.We do not need to spend tax payer money on a study that blames fast food corporations for placing restaurants in low income areas, which in turn is causing an increase of obesity in underprivileged children (this study was just conducted by the City University of New York).McDonald's didn't make your kid fat, you did. I have kids and I monitor the things they eat so I can help them be healthy. I'm a parent...that's my job.I don't need Michelle Obama to tell me that. Passing laws to forbid fast food corporations from adding locations in low income areas is stupid. Do you really think a Whole Foods Store would be a hit in Compton or Harlem? If I were a minority, living in a low income area, I would be offended that the government thinks it has to pass laws regulating where I eat, because I'm not smart enough to make decisions for myself. Once again...not politically-correct to say, but true.

We will also have to bring back the concept of personal responsibility...and while we're at it we will also throw a little work ethic in there. You see, you are not entitled to anything. The world owes you nothing. If you want something, work for it. If you are too lazy to work, well that's your business, but don't expect me to provide you with food and free health care. You are no better than me to work. What? you say you can't get a good paying job because of education? No problem, just do what me and my friends did...join the military for a GI Bill or work two jobs while going to school. Yes, I understand the job market is bad right now, but it wasn't always this way, so what was your excuse before? You see most of the leeches on the ass of society are long on excuses, but short on solutions. Finding a solution to their problems would not only be constituted as work, but it would also no longer give them an argument for being useless. What? You grew up in a poor neighborhood with an alcoholic, abusive father and few opportunities and that is why you are an alcoholic with a criminal record who can't get a job? Fuck you! That is no excuse. So did I, and I'm not still there wallowing in self pity, making excuses. You see, I'm the one guy that that shit doesn't work on. I've been there, and because I know that you can achieve anything you put your mind to, I have a particular hatred for this type trash. Get over yourself and make an attempt to do the right thing. Even if you fail, you can at least have some pride and dignity.

Ok, so who have I not offended yet? Oh yeah...fuck celebrities, also. I have stated my dislike for celebrities here many times. They, like our current batch of politicians, think they are smarter than the average American. Which is interesting considering many of them are functionally retarded and have completely forgotten that before becoming famous, they held menial jobs and weren't very successful in other pursuits. Most of them have no body of experience in the real world, but believe that because they are on TV, or the movies they somehow became more enlightened than the rest of us.They believe anyone with traditional values is an idiot and mock people for those views. They mindlessly follow the liberal path because they are out of touch with the average person. I think that anytime one of these celebrities starts an anti-American rant, we should be allowed to set their hair on fire and impale them in front of the Hollywood sign.

You know, I could rant for days, but it won't do any good. In all seriousness, we are confronted here in our own country with a war of ideology. The majority of Americans have morals, values, and common sense. We are by our very nature a hard working bunch. We are also sympathetic and understanding of others. These traits have been exploited by others in an attempt to hijack our way of life. We must no longer be quiet, but instead take an active role in the direction of our country. If we fail, the liberties and opportunities we have enjoyed will not be available to our children and grand-children. Most of you, like me, are very busy. We are constantly taking kids to ball practice, or music lessons. We work a lot. We have to face the fact that we can no longer trust the politicians and those in power to run our country for us. As we have seen recently, they no longer represent our interests. We must budget time to take a role in the governance of our country. It is no different than the time we allot to attend Parent Teacher Organization meetings. It is necessary. We must stand guard over our freedoms and our government. We must make our representatives accountable. We must again grab the reins and steer this country ourselves. We must all become statesmen, and women. Personally, I have discovered that there is no Tea Party branch in my county. I have taken the initial steps to start one. What can I alone accomplish? Probably not a lot, but I plan on at least trying to do my part. Hopefully, if enough people join me, we can make a difference in our area. Please, get involved, and do what you can. We must leave this world, and this country, better than we found it.

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