Despite the fact that I am getting older, I try hard to stay relevant, and some would say, cool. I know that after posting this, I will come off as a grumpy old man, and for that I apologize. Its just that with every day I draw breath and walk this Earth, I comprehend less about the youth of today. The scary thing is that, at just shy of 40, I'm not even that old. It just seems that things have changed dramatically in the last ten years or so. The most alarming change in young people has occurred with the role reversal in young men and women.
The change in the young American male seems to be the most drastic. When I was a teen-ager, young men looked like young men...for the most part. Oh sure, some had crazy hair or wore unusual clothing, but for the most part they looked like guys. The young men of today all look like a bunch of fucking sissies. We now have a whole generation of frail, pasty, skinny-jeans wearing mother fuckers. Seriously...What The Fuck!?! Most every young guy dresses like a fruit (actually, the average gay guy dresses more appropriately.I think its cause they have better taste in clothing)and has the same damn unisex hair. I couldn't imagine being a young girl today and having no options for boyfriends except for these fairies. You have to go no further than your local bar to see this. The local bar is full of these mop headed fuckers with too tight clothes and flip-flops. Flip-flops, really? First of all, dudes shouldn't wear flip-flops unless they are at the beach, or in the shower at the gym. Flip-flops not only look tacky and gay,but are a poor footwear choice from a practical stand point. When i see a dude with flip-flops, I already know he's not getting in a fight that night. Can you imagine trying to fight in a pair of flip-flops? Not gonna happen. Additionally, wearing flip-flops in a public restroom is not fucking cool. The thought of having my feet splattered with strangers piss is unthinkable. Speaking of fighting, none of the guys now look like they could. Today's girls have to be tough because all the young guys look like a bunch of effeminate douche-bags. Almost all young couples I see now have a cute, in shape, young girl...and a faggy feminine dude. I would imagine if some shit went down, the dudes would hide behind their girlfriends.
This brings me to the ladies. I wish that the girls from my day, looked like the girls now. When I was a teen-ager, physically the girls looked like us, but with longer hair and make-up. Now girls at age 13 look like 25 year olds. They are also much more mature. The hardest thing for me to get in high school, besides an A+, was a blow job. Getting a blow job in high school was damn near mythical in my day. As a matter of fact, you had a better chance of getting a blow job from the Easter Bunny riding a Unicorn, than from a high school chick. And if you found a girl that would, she was usually fat..ugly, or both. Now, young girls hand out blow jobs like candy at a Christmas Parade. I am most surprised by how sexually aggressive teen-age girls are these days. It seems that now the girls chase the guys. Formerly, guys would chase the girls and be pervs, now the roles have reversed, and all the feminine, fragile sissy-boys actually appear to be scared of the girls. If I could use a time machine to transport my 17 year old self to the present day,my formerly nerdy self would now be a fucking stud in comparison to today's guys. Since most young guys had rather play video games or listen to the Jonas Brothers, than bang chicks...I could get all the play. Since time machines haven't been invented, the modern day girl is safe...for now.
To summarize, we have a new generation in which the roles have been reversed. The girls are all hard-bodied, hard-partying, self-sufficient, sexual predators, while the guys are a bunch of frail, anemic-looking, granola-eating, Birkenstock-wearing, tree-hugging, hippy fags. I say that with no intention to offend gay guys, because they are a hell of a lot tougher these days than the average straight guy. With the current state of the modern male, the best we can hope for is that the girls go for older guys, if for no reason other than to ensure the continued reproduction of our species.
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