Since I now have my own blog, I feel obligated to at least post interesting discussions. Today lets talk about all the useless App.'s and crap that keep popping up on FaceBook.
First of all, what the fuck is up with this Farmtown shit? Nothing is more annoying than the endless posts and invites from that stuff. What is the appeal of a make-believe farm? Farming is boring as hell in real life, who the fuck wants to fantasize about it. In real life farming is also back-breaking work. I seriously doubt all the muffin-top having, pasty-faced, shut-ins that play Farmville constantly would last five minutes on a real farm. These reasons make the success of Farmville even more bizarre. Maybe I could understand something like "Whore-Ville" where you build and create your own whorehouse, complete with theme rooms and you can constantly add new prostitutes. Actually, the more I think about it, tha'ts a pretty entertaining idea. Anyway, I digress...Not only do people become absorbed, and if CNN is to be believed, addicted to it, but these same people also find it necessary to bother the rest of us with invites and gifts pertaining to it.
Every time I check FB from my Blackberry I get tons of Horoscopes, Fortune Cookies, Weird cafe shit, and Brick Breaker scores (really? Brick Breaker? Do you really think anyone gives a damn about the fact that you played that boring ass game long enough to get good at it? Hell, I would be ashamed for anyone to know that.) Listen people, I could care less about your Horoscope, unless it says something really crazy. Because, lets face it...you will never read an honest Horoscope. What if one day your horoscope said that your spouse was going to cheat on you while you were at work by having group sex with a bunch of Haitian refugees? Would you ever again want to know what was in store for you? I doubt it.
I suppose that i just don't get it. Its OK for you to enjoy this stuff, but don't expect me to get all moist because of it. Please don't be offended if I Ignore all of your Mafia War requests and all the other stupid stuff, but I have a life and shit to do. Like...umm...well...like blog on a Facebook Discussion Board located on a Groups Page that I shamelessly dedicated to myself. Ok...don't try to figure that one out...just go with it. Thanks.
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